I love the idea of meeting with a psychologist as part of the interview process; thank you for including that in your post. I am curious, which were the most thought provoking questions for you? Did any feel too invasive? I am excited to learn where you end up in January!

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Great questions, Jana. I didn't find any questions too invasive--I appreciated the thoroughness with which the school carefully considered not only Beanie's fit with the school (she also had an assessment and met with a different psychologist) and ours. It seems like the parent community is quite involved, and our interview underscored that. I could see how some parents might not like all the questions though.

As for thought-provoking, we had to think harder about "What three causes are most important to you as a family?" since it's not something we had really sat down together and discussed. But we didn't have a problem answering it in the end--the first cause, education, we immediately agreed upon. We also listed "taking care of the elderly in our communities" and "environment."

Also kind of difficult to answer was the simple question of "how would you describe your daughter?" It's not actually simple to describe someone close to you!

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Thank you for the excellent Axolotl pics for Rafi!!!

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